Moore Receives “Tail Ranger” Status from the National Park Service – Oregon Caves National Monument

A visit to the National Park Service’s Oregon Caves National Monument on August 24, 2022 provided useful for park relations. After visiting with local staff, Moore and others toured the Caves. Moore took up the rear of the tour and was designated the official “Tail Ranger.” He was awarded a button for his efforts. The … Read more

The Lodge Adds New Outdoor Engagement Opportunities

The Lodge added two new opportunities for outdoor engagement. While capturing images of these new features, the yellow beast photobombed the media. The additions create opportunities to engage and be at peace in nature. The two leisure cocoons offer engaging views of the canopy above and a brief respite from the hustle and bustle of … Read more

Sprinkler System Repairs on July 9, 2022

On July 9, 2022, WindMoo National Forest conducted repairs on the sprinkler system. The grounds and plants within the forest are mostly native. However, there is a wild yellow beast that continues to consume the sprinkler heads and other forest implements. These repairs are necessary to facilitate adequate moisture dispersion to water dependent plants and … Read more

The Lodge is Booked May 11-14 2022

The Lodge has a visitor that will be extending his stay through the weekend. The weather forecast calls for rain in Saturday, May 14th, which is the Gig Harbor Brew Fest. It is possible that The Lodge will host a smaller version of the brew fest should the weather not cooperate.

Firewood Operations for Winter 2022

Firewood is being split for winter 2022. The Lodge will have a plentiful supply of Madrone for the winter. After having several trees cut down, WindMoo National Forest has been splitting firewood for several months. The Lodge should have adequate supply for winter guests and operations.

Paving to Occur March 26, 2022

The neighboring light industrial plot was preparing to pave yesterday (25Mar22). We don’t anticipate any traffic delays, but there will be noise and light traffic delays from heavy equipment on the roadways.